
People Powered Performance

They Dance

Combining energetic dance with live audio description, the work takes a light hearted look at the challenge of turning dance into words - and words into dance!

Combining energetic dance with live audio description, the work takes a light hearted look at the challenge of turning dance into words - and words into dance!

A collaboration with writer and audio describer, Alice Sanders, and long-time performer Chloe Mead; ‘They Dance’ is a humorous investigation of how we articulate dance in language, what if the dancers disagree with the description? and what happens when the audio describer wants to join in…


  • Devised & Performed by Tim Casson, Alice Sanders and Chloe Mead

  • Duration: 15 Minutes

  • Commissioned by Ignition Dance Festival at Dance West

  • Images by Gigi Giannella

tour dates

  • 2017

    • Ignition Dance Festival KINGSTON / Lyric Hammersmith Theatre LONDON / Bunker Theatre LONDON

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Tim Casson’s playful They Dance is the perfect beginning for a contemporary dance festival. He and Chloe Mead tilt, spiral and hit their foreheads with their hands ‘like they did a terrible mistake’, as professional audio describer Alice Sanders explains.

Casson and his friends use wry humour to engage us with the issues that can arise when dance is translated into words and vice versa. As a solidly joyful perception on how difficult – if not impossible – it is to dance what you say and say what you dance, They Dance prompts the thought that maybe we don’t have to explain everything we see onstage but instead just surrender to it.
— The Wonderful World of Dance



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Watch the full length performance (12 minutes)

Interview with Tim Casson about “They Dance”

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