#FriendsFriday 61 - Ella Fleetwood
How are you/have you been involved with Casson & Friends?
I was recently involved in a project for First Light Festival in Lowestoft. It was a collaborative project with The Third Person and Suffolk Art Link. The performance was a response to conversations with Kirkley community members about plants, foraging and their relationship with nature. It was a lovely return to performing live!
What do you love about dance?
I love how dance can connect people. Meeting and dancing with other people feels like such a treat after the past year.
What song always makes you dance? (We have a Spotify playlist!)
I’ve listened to Koffee a lot recently so for now it would have to be Toast- Koffee.
Listen to the #FriendsFriday playlist on Spotify
What else are you working on at the moment? (Upcoming performances, exciting projects, holidays!)
I’m currently working on my outdoor project called Roam which aims to connect people with green spaces so that’s keeping me quite busy. I’m also working with the lovely Danielle Teale on her CID project. It has some exciting digital outputs so do give her a follow. I’m also looking forward to a good Devon holiday filled with lots of sea swimming and ice cream!
Any links? (Links to your work, your company website, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud etc?)
To see more of Ella’s work click here.
Instagram- @ella_company
Meet more of the Casson & Friends team on Fridays with #FriendsFriday!