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#FriendsFriday 9 - Tim Van Eyken

Tim Van Eyken & Dani B Larsen in 'Untitled' (Image by Camilla Greenwell)

Tim Van Eyken & Dani B Larsen in 'Untitled' (Image by Camilla Greenwell)

Tim Van Eyken

Tim Van Eyken

How are you involved with Casson & Friends?

I created a new work, 'Untitled' with dancer Dani B Larsen for Casson & Friends 'Wild Card' at Sadler's Wells last year, I'm the voice of 'The Director' for Night At The Theatre, and am about to start collaborating with Tim on work for my new theatre company Native.

What do you love about dance?

I think dance distills emotion in a unique way, it atavistically connects with gut-instinct very powerfully, and I love how that can simplify and clarify a story.

What song always makes you dance?

'Le batteux / La grande gigue simple' by La Bottine Souriante

(Listen to the #FriendsFriday playlist on Spotify Here: http://bit.ly/friendsfridayplaylist)

Follow Tim on Facebook here, on Twitter here and visit his website at www.timvaneyken.co.uk

Meet more of the Casson & Friends team every Friday with #FriendsFriday!