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#FriendsFriday 15 - Cherie Brennan

Cherie Working with Stopgap's Youth Companies

Cherie Working with Stopgap's Youth Companies

Cherie and Dan share a joke in rehearsal!

Cherie and Dan share a joke in rehearsal!

How are you/have you been involved with Casson & Friends? 

I am involved with Casson and Friends for Night at Theatre through Stopgap as one of the dancer's access worker (Nadenh). I also help out with other things too, such as constructing the set, welcoming the audience, handing out programes and feedback forms and most importantly the 'I Made a Dance' stickers. I also dance along with the kiddies and make sure they don't run on stage. I sometimes lead vocal warm ups too.

What do you love about dance?

I can never really put into words what I love about dance. I just love moving, letting go, feeling free, not caring, getting lost in the music and movement... Lots of things :)

What song always makes you dance?

A song that I quite like at the moment is DJ Snake-Middle ft. Bipolar Sunshine
Listen to the #FriendsFriday playlist on Spotify 

What else are you working on at the moment?

I haven't long got back from a holiday in Croatia which was lovely. I am currently sitting in on the Creation of Stopgap's new work The Enormous Room and making a creation diary which has lots of different things in it, as well as supporting Lucy or the dancers where needed.

Stopgap's youth companies have started back and I am heavily involved with those groups, we will be working towards a small summer sharing. Night at the Theatre continues to tour and we are in Colchester and RichMix next. I have also just organized a graduation meal for 2 of the dancers that are now progressing into Stopgap's main company. Lots of different things... I'm an all rounder!

Find our more about Stopgap and their work here and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Meet more of the Casson & Friends team every Friday with #FriendsFriday!