#FriendsFriday 35 - Ellen Turner
How are you/have you been involved with Casson & Friends?
I've been working with Casson & Friends for a few years on the The Dance WE Made, getting together in 2015 for the The Dance LEEDS Made. It was a mass pparticipation dance working with a huge variety of different people with all exciting relationships with dance. We worked for a full week, creating dances based on the dance we made then performed in Trinity shopping centre in Leeds. I have since then, continued performing in The Dance We Made all over: Kings cross train station, Birmingham, & Middlesborough to name a few.
What do you love about dance?
I love how it makes me feel: completely free, yet still able to express how I'm feeling inside. I actually find dancing and moving a much easier way of communicating...I also find it incredibly inspiring.
What song always makes you dance?
Mumford and Sons. I particularly like Hopeless wanderer as it reminds me of when I went to New Zealand and was wandering & prancing around in the countryside.
Listen to the #FriendsFriday playlist on Spotify
What else are you working on at the moment?
My sisters & I own our own dance company, Turn Around Dance Theatre and we are currently in the process of creating a new family friendly aerial circus and dance outdoor show: 'The Thief, the Fox & the Phoenix.' which will be previewing in mid September.
Find out more about Turn Around here, and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
Meet more of the Casson & Friends team every Friday with #FriendsFriday!