#FriendsFriday 16 - The Hiccup Project
How are you/have you been involved with Casson & Friends?
We are currently working with Tim as our mentor for our new show "It's okay, I'm dealing with it." - we knew he was the right man for the job!
What do you love about dance?
The endorphins
Letting go
Being silly
Connecting with people without using words...
A wise man named Ben once said to us 'say what needs to be said and dance the rest.' - we agree!
What song always makes you dance?
Dancing in the Moonlightt by Toploader
Listen to the #FriendsFriday playlist on Spotify
What else are you working on at the moment?
We're currently working on our second show 'It's okay, I'm dealing with it.' which will premiere at Brighton Fringe 11th-14th May.
We're also getting ready to tour the UK with 'May-We-Go-Round?' this summer, including Edinburgh Fringe and London.
Find our more about The Hiccup Project and their work here, and follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Meet more of the Casson & Friends team every Friday with #FriendsFriday!